More Baby Bergers on the way!!!!!!!!

Wow-it is going to be busy around here! Grand Champion CR Pura Vida was confirmed pregnant today. Proud papa to be is CH. Isaak du chateau Des Lys(Simba)img_0012-1simbaOur puppies are sold by reservation only. Our questionnaire and more information can be obtained by phoning the number on our site. Just as you are looking for a good breeder, I am equally invested in finding the best homes for my Baby Bergers. I will not respond to emails strictly asking price.

Baby Bergers on the Way!

We are thrilled to announce that Penny( CH. CR Quelle Surprise ) and Rocky (CH Don Ricardo de Valdeguila ) are expecting puppies late December!!! Both parents combine brains and beauty! Temperament+++++

Interested families can receive more information by phone. Puppies are  sold by reservation only to approved homes.

Penny Championrocky-v