The “I” litter and the great outdoors! Posted on May 21, 2012 by cindy Betsy’s puppies are 3 weeks and have been taking advantage of being outside and cruising up to the dairy bar!
Our “J” litter has arrived! Posted on May 13, 2012 by cindy Addie and Keifer are excited to announce the arrival of 8 Baby Bergers early this morning! Everyone is doing well!
Way to Go Higgins! Posted on May 4, 2012 by cindy We are all so proud of CR Higgins. At 7 months he has started his show career with 2 wins!!! Congratulations Don and Andrea!
Our “I” Litter has arrived!!!!! Posted on April 30, 2012 by cindy Betsy’s litter arrived yesterday – 4 boys and 3 girls! Betsy is an excellent Mom and is SO proud of her babies!
Addie and Keifer’s Big News!!! Posted on April 18, 2012 by cindy Our “J” litter is on the way!!! Addie is confirmed pregnant. We are now accepting reservations for this very exciting litter!