It is always bittersweet to see our puppies leave. Here Don and Andrea welcome their newest family member CR Higgins. “Big Brother” CR Quincy from our A litter is still wondering how long this new addition is staying!
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Puppy Visitation Weekend
Our Addie
We are 4 weeks!
It almost looks like the whelping box has shrunk! Here is Addie with just the girls!
Today was the puppies first day outside and also the first time they have all been together since shortly after they were born. There was much crying( screaming) as at first the puppies did not like the” great outdoors” ! They quickly exhausted themselves and enjoyed snoozing together.
We are 3 weeks
With such a large litter – there are 3 sittings. The two smalllest have a private session with Addie as Keifer looks on. The rest of the puppies are divided into 2 groups .The girls nurse with Mom while the boys are bottlefed and begin play/ eating their “smoothies” and then 2 hours later we switch!