Enough Already!

You can probably imagine why Addie is wanting to spend less time with her brood!!! Fortunately the puppies are becoming much  less reliant on her as a food source and more focused on their “smoothies”!

Our First Day Outside

It was a “scary” day for the puppies!!! The feel of the grass on baby berger paws was a bit over stimulating!! However after a quick drink from Mom all was good with the world!!!!

Puppy Smoothies Rule!

It was a big day for the puppies yesterday , at 3 weeks old,  they finally figured out that the content of the puppy dishes  was actually consumable and not strictly for playing in!

As you can see the puppy smoothies ( goats milk , yogurt and cottage cheese)were delicious to eat as well as to wear! Addie had a tasty time cleaning up her baby bergers!

Addie’s litter week 2

The puppies continue  to grow and are becoming MUCH more vocal during “awake time”, Addie nurses about every 3 hours and always comes to get me just before she goes in the whelping box- bottle in hand we both feed the little squirmers! Addie’s food has been increased to 3 times her normal amount in order to keep up with milk production.  All the puppies’ eyes and ears are open now so it is a whole new world for them!